What are the advantages and disadvantages of dedicated server hosting?

Dedicated hosting offers many enticing features which are quite advantageous such as:


• You do not have to purchase own equipment.

• You do not have to update/maintain equipment.

• You can purchase a package based on your own needs for Hard Disk Space and Data Transfer Allowances.

• The standard features are usually listed.

• If an upgrade is needed, you can upgrade on a dedicated server from the same Web Host Provider if an upgrade is needed.

• The servers are as fast, powerful and high-capacity as you pay for.

• Scalability.  Upgrading your server or adding a new server is easier and more cost effective.  Upgrades can occur less than 24 hours after submitting a work order to the service provider.


Some of the disadvantages of dedicated server hosting are:

• The most disconcerting factor of the Dedicated Server Hosting is the cost but there are other disadvantages such as:

• You must depend on a Web Host Provider.

• If you exceed your Data Transfer Allowance, a financial Penalty is assessed.  However, at abdicar.com, we have unmetered dedicated servers as well so you can keep your mind at ease.

• The Web Hosting Provider charges hefty monthly fees as you're paying not just for the physical hosting, but also for the hardware in which your actual website resides.


While in the short run this is cheaper than the large capital outlay required to get co-location up and running, over time, this model is much more expensive.  The server is the property of the service provider, which means all you own is the data you put in the server. Unlike co-location, you cannot simply pick up your server and walk away if you're unhappy with the service.

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