abdicar Communications, S.A. after extensive testing process and advanced settings have officially launched additional support for VPS based on OpenVZ and / or Xen Hypervisor.

“In addition to the Parallels Virtuozzo Containers platform, we now have available nodes with OpenVZ and Xen Hypervisor for our VPS customers, allowing us to further strengthen our global presence in the market for server virtualization offering at the lowest cost”, said Larry Hans Arroyo Vargas, abdicar’s Manager of Operations for Costa Rica and the Caribbean.

Since today all abdicar.com's customers, may choose from the three most popular virtualization systems, and pay less for those who are OpenSource. The VPS on OpenVZ and Xen Hypervisor are on average $10 cheaper than the VPS working with Parallels Virtuozzo Containers.

In the future we will add other platforms according to their performance and the requirements of our customers.

Friday, June 25, 2010

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