abdicar Communications, S.A. and Grupo TerraGaya, S.A. announced that the companies have an agreement under which abdicar.com will acquire privately held TerraGaia.Net.

Terragaia.Net’s customers are mainly from Costa Rica (95%) and we have already developed a quality and gratifying relationship with them, and they have voiced their pleasure with the transfer process.  This agreement was signed during the last quarter of 2009 and we can now confirm that we have made the change without a single customer lost due to factors derived from the acquisition of the company.

This is a strategic addition to abdicar’s family of Internet companies and projects.  The acquisition will extend abdicar’s capabilities and increase the company’s client base, while at the same time providing advanced productivity and intuitive solutions in an ever-changing Internet world.

“The addition of TerraGaia.Net will help abdicar’s vision of seamless mobility within our family of companies and projects to continue growing and progressing,”” stated Engineer Larry Hans Arroyo Vargas, abdicar’s Manager of Operations for Costa Rican and the Caribbean.  He added that “this is an exciting milestone for our company and we look forward to even more growth with TerraGaia.Net joining abdicar Communications, S.A. Our combined teams will create exciting expansion opportunities because we are ideal partners.””

abdicar Communications, S.A., is widely known for leadership and innovation in the Internet World.

abdicar Communications, S.A., through its robust and expanding infrastructure, has seamlessly assumed all of Terragaia.net’s  customers and services.  Speaking strictly in numbers, TerraGaia.Net’s total number of customer’s was less than 5% of the total customers currently managed by abdicar.com.

abdicar.com has announced that during 2009, the TerraGaia.Net domain (http://www.terragaia.net) will be redirected in a permanent and indefinite manner to the Spanish version on the company's website, which will be available after the consolidation of the English version, because the company wants to make an incursion into the English-speaking market with greater presence.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

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