How to setup your e-mail account on Eudora

How to setup your e-mail account on Eudora 

These are the steps to setup your e-mail account on Eudora 7.1.

First it is important to have the program on the computer. If do not have it, you can download it on this link

On the web site, you have to click the option “Download Now”

Then, you have to choose the operating system that is on your computer (Mac, Windows), and click on the name of the program (next to “Setup”) to download it.

The next step is to install the program, to do this you have to click the option “run”, on the warning window.

When you click “Run”, the program is going to guide you through the installation. Just accept every window to start the process.

Once the installation is complete, open the program to start the configuration of your account.   

The program is going to ask you if want to setup an e-mail account. Check the options of the window they have to be like this: 

Click the option “Skip directly to advance account setup”.

Click “Finish” to open a new setup window.

Fill the spaces just like this example below:

Where it says “Secure Sockets when Sending”, click “Never”. Then go to the flange “Incoming Mail”. You have to check the information in this part. It has to be like this: 

The setup of your account had finished when your click “Accept”, but you need to follow one more step.

On the program, click “Check Mail”.

Doing this, the program is going to ask you for the e-mail’s password. If you do not want to write it every time that you use the program, just click the option that allows the program to remember it.

Once this has been finished, just click “Ok”.

Doing this, the setup is ready to start using it, and is going to work without problems.
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